Общая | Январь 05, 2011,01:30
МОУ «Татарская гимназия № 2 имени Ш. Марджани»
План-конспект урока
«Урок в музее Мансура Рахимова»,
проведенного в 7 классе.
Учитель английского языка Гараева Н.Н.
Урок разработан для учащихся 7-х классов и является уроком из серии уроков по теме «Великая Отечественная война» и проводится в музее Мансура Рахимова.
Урок носит коммуникативную направленность и включает дифференцированный подход, использование элементов проектной технологии и информационно-коммуникативных технологий.
Данному уроку предшествовала подготовительная работа. Учащиеся готовили и принимали активное участие в классном часе, посвященном 65-летию Великой Победы в Великой Отечественной войне, группа детей предварительно посетила музей Мансура Рахимова и познакомилась с экспонатами раздела «Прерванная песня» и «Память», другая группа получила задание для создания проекта по теме. Они подбирали соответствующий материал в Интернете и в книгах. Результаты этой работы были представлены в ходе урока.
При разработке плана урока учитывался готовность класса к осознанному восприятию подобной темы, а также индивидуальные способности, возрастные особенности и личностные характеристики детей.
1) активизировать речемыслительную деятельность учащихся;
2) развивать монологическую и диалогическую речь;
3) расширить словарный запас учащихся;
4) закрепить грамматический материал по теме Past Simple;
5) развивать языковую догадку, навыки проектной работы, навыки аудирования, творческие способности учащихся;
6) прививать интерес к предмету;
7) Воспитывать межличностные отношения.
Учебные: обучение рецептивным и продуктивным видам речевой деятельности, формирование умения воспринимать на слух и понимать краткие сообщения, умения делать краткие сообщения на заданную тему, умения высказывать свое мнение и аргументировать его.
Познавательные: знакомство с реалиями Великой Отечественной войны, формирование более глубокого осознания учащимися родной истории, расширение лингвистического и общего кругозора.
Развивающие: интеллектуальное и эмоциональное развитие учащихся, развитие ценностных ориентаций.
Воспитательные: формирование у учащихся патриотических чувств, уважения и интереса к своей стране, формирование потребности в практическом использовании языка.
Оборудование урока: Smartboard, таблица «The Past Simple Tense»
Дидактические материалы:
Литературно-научное, методическое издание «Творчество Мансура Рахимова-эхо ХХ века» под редакцией Л.З.Хамидуллиной, издательство SHAMS, Казань, 2009.
Этапы урока:
1.Организационный момент.
2.Краткая вводная беседа по теме.
3.Презентация компьютерного проекта « Великая Отечественная война».
4. Развитие навыков монологической речи. (Высказывания об экспонатах вышеуказанных разделов).
5.Работа над переводом с татарского на английский.
6.Фонетическая отработка лексики.
7. Развитие навыков аудирования.
8..Подведение итогов урока. Выставление оценок.
10. Домашнее задание. (Раздатки со статьями)
Ход урока.
1.Организационный момент.
Teacher: Good afternoon, my dear friends! I am glad to see you. We are having our English lesson here at the museum of our Gymnasia. By the way what do you know about this museum?
Student : As far as I know the museum is named after Mansur Rakhimov who gave all his paintings as a gift to our Gymnasia. Mansur Rakhimov was a public figure, a journalist and a painter, a portrait writer, to be exact.
2.Краткая вводная беседа по теме.
Teacher: That’s quite right. And today we will watch the exhibits of the museum, speak about the painter, about the heroes of his portraits. It must be mentioned that the museum has several parts and we will begin with the exhibition devoted to the Great Patriotic War. The term was brought into use following the German attack against the Soviet Union on June 22, 1941 and was to mobilize the population to defend the motherland.
The term "Great Patriotic War" appeared in the Soviet newspaper "Pravda" soon after Nazi Germany invaded the Soviet Union, in a long article titled "The Great Patriotic War of the Soviet People”.
3.Презентация компьютерного проекта « Великая Отечественная война».
So I’d like you to watch a short film about the Great Patriotic War made by Almaz Kamalov and answer the folloing questions (Card 1):
1. When did the Great Patriotic War begin?
2. Where did the war take place?
3. When did the war finish?
(Ученики отвечают на вопросы).
Teacher: So as you know the works by Mansur Rakhimov are directly connected with that war.
4. Развитие навыков монологической речи.
Now let’s watch the second and third parts of the exhibition and then in 15 minutes you will share your opinion about the exhibits. You can use Card 2.
(Ученики готовят короткие монологическое высказывания об экспонатах раздела.
Student1: My favorite painting is called “Farewell”. The Picture depicts deep feelings of sorrow and sadness of these men – the composers Farit Yarullin, his father Zagidulla Yarullin and Salikh Saidashev, the famos author of “The Soviet Army march”. Perhaps they feel deep at heart that they are together for the last time.
Teacher: What do you know about Farid Yarullin?
Student 1: Farid Yarullin was a talented Tatar composer. He was born in Kazan in 1914 in the family of the known Tatar folk musician Zagidulla Yarullin. Farid Yarullin composed the ballet "Shurale. The composer was drafted to the Soviet Army in 1941. Farid Yarullin did not live to see the Victory Day since he had died a hero's death liberating the Austrian capital Vienna from fascists in 1943.
Student 2: Among the exhibits we can also see the portraits of M. Mozaffarov and Zagid Khabibullin.
Another defender of Motherland and poet is Adel Kutui. Mansur Rakhimov shows Adel Kutui in different situations: among the Tatar writers in Moscow and in the war-time newspaper editorial room.
Student 3: Fatikh Karim, the famous Tatar poet, is painted in true colors by Mansur Rakhimov. In the paintings you can see the great son of the Tatar nation at the moment of his creative activity.
Student 4: Musa Jalil became the main character of Mansur Rakhimov`s series of war paintings. The painting “ Sentenced to death” shows Musa Jalil and Abdulla Alish at the turn of their everlasting fame, and the Koran is in front of them. This painting is the symbol of the “Broken song” exhibition, I believe.
Teacher: I think you have learnt much about Musa Jalil’s life and creative work at your Tatar Literature lessons, haven’t you?
Student 4: Yes, we know that Musa Mustafovich Jalilov is a famous a Tatar poet. His literary pseudonym is Musa Jalil. He was born on February 15, 1906 Mustafino village in Orenburg province in the family of a poor peasant. He studied in the Khusainiya madrasah (religious school) in the city of Orenburg.
In 1931 he came to Kazan where he completely devoted himself to creative work and social activity. As a writer he tried almost all literary genres: songs, verses, poems, plays, journalism.
Student 5: When the Great Patriotic War began, Musa was drafted to the military service. In the battle on June 26, 1942 he was severely breast wounded and then taken prisoner while he was unconscious. He wrote 115 works of poetry in prison. His notebooks with verses were kept by his friend, Andre Timmermans from Belgium. After the war Timmermans returned the poems to our Motherland.
Student 6: The first hand-made Moabit notebook of size 9.5 x 7.5 cm contains 60 poems. The second Moabit notebook, also hand-made of size 10.7 x 7.5 cm contains 50 poems. The notebooks are kept in the State Museum of the Republic of Tatarstan. We still don’t know even now how many notebooks there were in reality.
Teacher: Can you recite Musa Jalil’s poems?
(Ученики читают стихи Мусы Джалиля на татарском языке).
5. Работа над переводом с татарского на английский.
Teacher: I’d like you to recite them in the English language, too. Let’s try to translate this verse from Tatar into English. Please, split into groups of four.
(Ученики делятся на группы по 4 человека и переводят отрывок из стихотворения “Кичер, илем”).
Teacher: Read your translations, please. We’ll choose the best translation.
(Ученики читают свои переводы и выбирают лучший перевод.)
Student 7: I’d like to say a few words about the third part of the exhibition on the whole. It’s worth mentioning that it is called “ Memory”, and the portrait of the mother awaiting her son from the war is its symbol.
Looking at this painting one can imagine everything connected with the war: hard work in the fields, hand-made mittens and socks, grief and tears of millions of mothers, wives and sisters, that did everything possible and impossible on the home front. The painting “Hardships of home front “, A collective farmer Alfiya”, “A collective farmer “Asiya”, “In the field” are devoted to the unforgettable period in the life of my people.
Student 8: I know that a very interesting and unusual story can be hold by this psaltery, that you see in the museum. A festival of Tatar art was to be held in Moscow in December of 1941. 40 psaltery players from the village Serdebash(СЩрдебаш) of the Arsk district were invited to perform in this festival. But the war began and the festival was cancelled.
Student 9:
I’m going to speak about the portraits of Sharif Mudarris. This great national poet, writer and translator went to the war and fought heroically in the fronts of the Great Patriotic war. I know that every year a contest for the best translator is held in Kazan in his honour, and my dream is to win in this contest one day.
Teacher: A great idea! I hope you will do it.
But now tell me, please, what are the motives that made Mansur Rakhimov paint these portraits?
- During the war Mansur Rakhimov himself was drafted to the Soviet Army and served in the Navy.
-He wanted us to know and remember our national poets, writers, composers;
- He admired these people;
Teacher: I agree with all of you. You understood the painter’s intentions and dreams.
6.Обяснение и фонетическая отработка лексики.
And now listen to his memories about the war and say what the citizens of Kazan were doing on the day when the Great Patriotic War began. But at first pay attention to some unfamiliar words on Card 3. .
German-Soviet Nonaggression Pact
treacherous invasion
Food-ration cards for bread
Was drafted to the Soviet Army
7. Развитие навыков аудирования.
Teacher: Well, listen very attentively.
“I remember the day of the 22nd of June so clearly as if it was yesterday. It was a nice sunny Sunday. All the citizens of Kazan seemed to have left the city. They were on the bank of the Volga River enjoying the beauty of nature.
On that day we were painting an etude in the studio of the State Museum. That afternoon we heard on the radio Molotov’s speech about Germany’s violating the German-Soviet Nonaggression Pact and treacherous invasion of the Soviet Union and the beginning of the war. The gloomy days for my country started from that day on. Food-ration cards for bread and other products were brought into use. Long queues appeared in the shops.
I was drafted to the Soviet Army and had my army service in the Baltic Fleet. I was included into the group of soldiers, and we were trained for the battle near Moscow. However, the fascists had been fought by that time, and we were directed to Murmansk.
So, I think you understood the text. Now say what these words refer to:
-the bank of the Volga River
-the studio of the State Museum
-Molotov’s speech
-Food-ration cards
-Long queues
-was drafted to the Soviet Army
(Ученики соотносят слова с прослушанной информацией)
8.Подведение итогов урока. Выставление оценок.
Teacher: Good for you, you have done a lot of work today. Your marks are…
Our lesson at the museum is over. I hope you have learnt much about the Great Patriotic War of our people, about our national heroes who brought us the glorious Victory Day.
10. Домашнее задание. ( Статьи из зарубежных газет).
We will continue the series of lessons devoted to the great Victory over fascism. And your home task is to read and analyze the war time articles.
Article 1
Victory Parade
(An extract from an article published in the American newspaper Daily Worker on June 25, 1945)
Moscow, June 24. Today during a mammoth victory parade, in Moscow Marshal Georgy K. Zhukov hailed the Soviet Army as “the strongest army in the world”.
The parade was one of the most impressive in the Soviet history. Despite a driving rainstorm, 640 German battle flags, including Hitler’s personal standard, were dragged around Red Square and hurled to pavement in front of Lenin Mausoleum.
Marshal Konstantin K. Rokossovsky of the famed Second Byelorussian Front, dressed in a blue-green uniform,commanded the parade, which was reviewed by Zhukov.
Five Soviet marshals- Rodion Malinovsky, Leonid Govorov, Ivan Konev,Alexander Vasilevsky and Kirill Meretskov-and army generals Ivan Bagramyan and Andrei Yeremenko-took part in the parade, wearing all their decorations.
Extract-part of a text
Mammoth –big, huge Hail- greet
Drag- carry
pavement-walking area free of cars
famed- famous
review a parade-принимать парад
Article 2.
(An extract from an article published in the American newspaper Daily Worker on June 16, 1942)
Every home in America salutes the men, women and children of Sevastopol.
Although this battle is taking place thousands of miles from our shores it is not a struggle from afar. President Roosevelt said that the Russian people are defending the interests of the United States, and the American people-watching the titanic struggle on the Eastern front - know this to be true…
The American people owe a debt of gratitude to the Soviet people for their smashing blows against the Nazi military machine.
The USSR –its Red Army and its people- are fighting our fight. Let us help them bring this fight to an early and triumphant conclusion. For their triumph will be our own!
Owe a debt of gratitude to- give thanks to
from afar- far from.
Общая | Январь 04, 2011,23:46